Horrible Ride Height

Last time i adjusted the bars, i did the following (searched but didn't really see a guideline on the bars, i probably didn't search for the right phrases)

Lifted the car up off the ground (love the lift)
Loosen the Nut on the LCA Pivot at the K-Frame
Crank the Adjuster in (usually 1/4" to 1/2" at a time)
Set the Car back on the floor
Tighten up the Nut on the LCA Pivot
Take the Car for a test drive on the back roads (twisty-windy roads)
Back to the shop
Put it on the Alignment Machine
Set the Alignment

When i replaced the bar on the driver's side (made sure i had the Left Side/Driver's Side bar) it was a similar proceedure, with a few extra steps (obviously, lol) I also pulled out the Passenger Side bar and reinstalled it, not knowing how the previous owner had installed them.