Header install tips and tricks?

This weekend I am going to try and install my headers and manual steering box. This is a 73 318 car with a/c. I have flotech afterburner headers. Do any of the header bolts go into the water jacket? I feel like I heard some did. also do I heat cycle ceramic coated headers? any other maintenance tips for them? Please give me any tips or tricks to help this go smoother.

The front and rear bolts go into water. You can put studs in those holes with some sealant. If you need to replace gaskets in the future you won't have to deal with leaks.

The driver side header will probably go in better from underneath. When I put my headers in I raised the front of the car, loosened the motor mounts (spool) so I could raise the engine and move it from side to side a little if needed. Just use a block of wood between your jack and the oil pan.