can anyone share some quarter panel install photos ?

Sure, my project started out as repairing my passenger side rocker panel... one thing led to another and I ended up cutting the side of the car off... Hopefully my pics will help! I highly recomend AMD Sheet metal!

In this one the rocker panel is cut off and I am working on the cutting the quarter off. I used the new quarter as a templete. The tape is there to keep me from cutting too much off.

I found that my outer wheel house was pretty ate up with rust. Also the dill-hole who had the car before me did a nice hack job to the rear seat belt mount... have to fix that too.

The new AMD Rocker panel

Fixing the wheel house

New wheel house sectioned on to the old one

Here is the new quarter panel, double checking the wheel house before it is welded in place.

Here it is, pretty much as it sits now. I am finishing the work on the driver side door. The new quarter panel is not going to take very much work (hopefully) to smooth out and hide the weld.

I am not very good at body work, it takes me a very long time (or I am very slow at it)... Either way, I hope this helps!