how do i make my /6 sound good...
I'm seeing the cutaway on, you could change the lifter angle a few degrees, then angle the carb diagonally (hood bump/scoop solves clearance) and use individual carbs/EFI and it would go straight to the chamber unrestricted, the exhaust cycle would have less of a curve as well and the intake/exhaust would be separated a little more so it wouldn't heat the fuel up as much. Cold air = condensed = power. Heat = atomized/vaporized = better fuel economy
What you 6 guys need is pretty much an aluminum head with a different lifter angle (might hurt a bit at higher rpms, but better low end power in a light weight package is good)
I'm wondering if it would be possible to make an angled spacer to weld to the head to give it that angle, assuming the push rods allow that and some extensive port work add/subtract material to build up that angle?