A-Bodies...Big Motors / New Hemi Duster - FINAL ASSEMBLY

John / Denny; how did you guys do
racing that Duster? win many races, any nationals?

PS John have you heard from Ed(Max Wedge)? how's he doin'?

Hi Ken. We just experimented with that Duster for a couple of years
at a couple of AHRA tracks (old class Formula 2 C/HR). Ran it until the
engine broke a rod and about sawed itself in half. Removed the lettering
and put mufflers on it with a warmed over 383 and Denny drove it a
couple of times but the leaf-link wasn't too street friendly.

Remember that this was 74-76 and the high performance street scene
was in limbo. Sold the Duster and the black Hemi Roadrunner to a guy
named Roger Green from Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Always wondered what
happenned to those cars.

I haven't heard a word from Ed. with the accident and the closing of
Bill and Rita's store that area's been very quite. I'll ask Paul again; he
emails me regularly.

Note to all: Ken is a friend from another forum (diecast) as well as a
fan of this stuff.