Lost Parts!

A USPS manager told me on the phone that if you don't insure you packages they will most likley lose or damage your package on purpose! I had 2 packages get damaged within 1 week, when I called to complain this is what they told me.
I worked there for 20 years and never seen it happen. I always laugh when I read these posts, not about your misfortune but how the blame always gets put on the PO. I was a mailhandler. One of my jobs was to clear the belt off in the retail unit, where the window clerks work. You would be amazed at what people call "safely packed". If the contents of a package move around when it is shaken the box stands a very good chance of not making it. It is not uncommon for a pakage to have 1400 pounds of stuff on it. And if you leave any air pockets in the box it will collapse. And then from there you are at the mercy of the PO. Years ago they had people who were on limited duty doing repair work, so when stuff got tore up it only sat for as long it took that person to get to it. Now the PO has few, if any light duty jpbs. Stuff gets ripped open, it very well might sit for a few days. Anyway, sure the package had the right zip on it? Have you contacted your local delivery unit and asked for the claims department? Might want to see if your local P&DC has a claims number, as well as the senders P&DC. The Post Office does indeed destroy some stuff. The PO does a very poor job of informing the public on how to mail stuff safely. Good luck, hopefully your package will show up....