For A Bodies User Name

Well, back in 1991 I started playing on this thing called "The Internet". There were no web browsers and pretty pictures back then. Everything was text based. I played on some bulletin boards back in the day, and was most likely the first person to choose the username "Mopar Man". I used it all over the place, and was known far and wide by that name.

Then came Mosaic, Netscape, IE, etc. I wanted to register a domain name, and my wife suggested "" because I used to say that a lot to annoy a guy I knew. As the web grew, other people started calling themselves "Mopar Man" on the web, and some of them started to gain an unsavory reputation. People started confusing me with a couple other guys that I didn't want to be confused with, so I decided to choose a username I could use all over that most likely other people would not already be using.

So, I chose "damnimcooltom". Isn't it obvious?