Project- Bills Buggy

Great build SpeedracerX. I just checked out all your posts here and really enjoyed how you weave in the pictures with good descriptions of the progress you are making. I have done alot of the things you are doing now (including almost sanding off all of my fingerprints and bringing on early arthritis due to sanding!). Keep up the good work and maybe I will see your gang at the Nats in 2012. I plan on bringing the Dart that year.

Just an awesome thread!

Thanks guys.. I truly appreciate the kind words.. Hemi, I would love that... I was hoping to take the Dart to the Nats this year.. but that just isnt going to happen..but I say now, the buggy will be ready for the Nats in 2012... so we are definitely gonna have to hook up.. share a cold one.. I cant wait to see your car there..

There really hasnt been any progress to the buggy for the past few weeks.. Life has too many other things going on keeping me from her.. That and the members of my group also are having thier own 'life' problems right now.. The game plan is to still get the buggy painted before the end of summer.. .keep your fingers crossed gang...