Craigslist rage.

It's not a bad buy, I just don't trust a single word that kid says. Often people try to trade/sell their problems instead of fixing them and clearly this kid admitted to that attitude. I'm betting there's a lot more problems than he mentions or even knows how to recognize. I noticed the front fender is dented/crumpled, grills missing as he states, if it did get clipped by another car, since it's an unibody it could throw off the whole front end's steering geometry, the interior looks clean, but you can tell its stained/worn out if you look close enough. I'd give him 1,000-2,000 depending on how the engine actually ran.....

Not all that big a deal... really my problem is i dont got cash, i got a boat..... and need to find something within the value of 7,000-12,000 to trade it for. Currently have it for sale at 10 grand.... thinking of dropping it to rock bottom... 7,000 and see what happens..... id like to get rid of it before winter hits.