Dash Pad Removal Kit...lol

So 1/4 of the way through bending my body into a pretzel to get the old horrible/crusty dash pad out I have an epiphany and break out the sawzall.

lol....it wasn't pretty but it worked pretty dang good I must say!


LMAO!!! while your method is surely faster...re-installing that puppy is going to be a serious venture...trying to get all those pieces to line up...and the glue you will need a tone of it!!! LOL

On the serious side...if you are using someplace like JUST DASHES, they charge quite a bit extra when there is no usable core.... they refurb the cores and that is what they market & sell, without a core they lose potential inventory, and the cost goes way up. just sayin

if you already have a replacement that is in good shape, then hack away! BUT remember things that are removed like that leave the re-install "instructions learned from removal a blank page" making it a much more difficult and time consuming task...again just sayin