Craigslist rage.

dont stroke out!!!! first thing...if you are truly searching for a deal on craigslist..they can be found BUT it may take 6 mons to find it...craigslist is NOT like ebay....
second: those folks who want far too much will learn when they havent sold diddly in the next year...I am pretty certain they will hear the same story from far more then just you...and YES they are idiots !!
third...After having been there, what MOST people do not know about BJ's is the guys who built the cars and are auctioning them off likely have between 20 to 100 k invested OVER what they sell for! Pretty much in the last 4 years ost every car sold there is sold at a loss PLUS the commission to BJ's!!! some at less of a loss others at more of a loss but very very very few are PROFITABLE at all or to any significant money!!
third: my experience with craigslist is that it is typically a dumping ground...quality is few and far between and cost is often stupid!!!
someone selling a 5 year old power washer for $50 less than the new ones call the number and it's Bobs deck washing service!!! YOU KNOW that power washer has been beat to death and this moron wants to sell it for $50 less than the new one? he is NUCKIN FUTS!!! SAME with just about everything on there!!! Reasonable deals DO exist on CL but YOU have to HUNT for them and when you find them you must act fast!! ALWAYS take someone with you!!! never ever go alone with money in your pocket
Fourth: example of acting FAST!! friend just found a 1969 GTO convertible vehicle frame approx 5 to 900 depending, the listed cost was $150!!! THIS IS A my buddy calls him and it is still available with NO one interested or on their way to look at my buddy says I will be there in 40 mins leaves the guy his number in case anything changes and off he went...the guy lived about 85 miles away.....38 mins later my buddy turns down the guys street...he is two blocks away and he gets a call.... someone showed up who lived closer plunked down $150 and WHOOP DER IT IS!!! MY buddy had TOLD the guy he'd buy it sight unseen , offered to send paypal to lock it in, guy said no way, my buddy said I will bring cash PLEASE hold it for me...guy says OK!!
then sells out from under!!! GUY is an A hole and ALMOST GOT HIS CLOCK CLEANED for bein a jerk!!

another friend was lookin for 70 cuda fenders & hood found them 14 miles away...price is right guys says they are MINT!!! "MINT" around Detroit means FLAWLESS JUST LIKE NEW as in money fresh from the Mint!! SO he hops in the car and drives over there...guy stops him in the driveway, says the price went up...buddy says how much guy say 100 per fender and 200 xtra for the buddy ponders it for a few then says let me see them..... so the guy takes him round back of his house to this huge pile of rusted $hit...digs through it for like 10 mins and pulls out 2 half eaten by rust fenders and a hood that has more holes in than swiss cheese!!!! My buddy say ...I dont think so, they guy gets PISSED OFF and starts buddy says YOU SAID THEY WERE MINT...THEY ARE HALF EATEN AND RUSTY AS are an idiot!! they guy pulls out a gun...not knowing that my buddy is a Detroit cop and carrys a hand cannon at all times, S&W 500 snub 50 cal!! they jerk is NOW lookin down the barrel of a hand gun that has a hole in the end of the barrel a little larger than the size of a dime!!! My buddy says feeling froggy? and the guy runs into his house!!!

like I said, quality is there...just you aren't going to find it in a few hours or a few days ...with CL patience is a virtue