Super Six fuel mileage

i said the car gets AROUND 30- meaning, if i have my foot on the throttle harder than usual, but still not hot rodding the car i get about 26. when driving with my toe, ive got so much as 30. therefore, around 30.

as far as the implication is concerned, "they never have and never will". Read that and tell me that "lier" can not be implied there, whether it be intentionally or not. Sure, you may not have meant that. It still comes across that way.

Now that this is all cleared up. let it be known that whether or not these posts sound pissy to you OTR. There were no hard feelings from my end and i apologize if it did in fact seem so. :tonqe:

There are no hard feelings. But you need to put more info in our post and be as accurate a you can. Sometimes that is hard to do. and I was not calling you a Lair and I am sorry it came off that way. But as I was growing up around in that text o f a sentence means that or better you say give or take.

I have not seen a /6 get 30mpg or better without modifications like that was posted from if you read carefully he put in a late A833 4 speed od trans changed his tire size and his rear gear which is easy to do. But most people keep what is in their car. I had a Duster with a /6 904 and the best it would so was 16 on the HWY. Your car is not much lighter.