1981 225 slant 6 with 904

Hey! I have an 81 RAM se custom manual 150. I just want to know if my trans would work with your engine. Also, if you still have it I would love to come check it out or meet up somewhere. I live in Lancaster Pa.

I ahd computer issues and my current ID is registered to my work email, so I had to reregister to a new username!

Yes I still have it and yes it will work with your manual trans (the crank hub diameter change happened around 1968 or so, which means a 1981 engine will work in a 1981 vehicle with no issues). I wish you would of contacted me a little sooner I could of taked it up with me to Carlisle!

You can email me at [email protected] or call me at 301-509-five748 to discuss the details of when we can meet up.
