
I can't open carry on my own property in Denver city limits. Inside my home, yes, outside and in my garage, no. Also, for some strange reason my garage is not considered part of my home and therefore not covered by the "Make my Day" law. This is part of the reason why I'm applying for my CCW. I tried to get an appointment on my last vacation but they are 6 weeks out. I'm making an appointment for my vaca in August. I've already taken and passed the written/live fire CCW course with my 2" snub in .357 mag. I'd have done much better with my .45 :toothy7:

The problem with general booby traps is that since that area is not fenced off, any kids kids playing hide and seek or whatever could get seriously hurt and that would be something I can't live with. I have a plan that negates that possibility but details are private for security reasons. ;)

I ordered a wireless IP camera with night vision last night whose software allows me to view it over the net or from a softphone, plus it uploads to an offsite storage server so even if all my computers get stolen, I can still retrieve the video information.

My alarm is 90% completed and I expect it to be finished tonight. The alarm for all practical purposes is impossible to defeat since it is driven via a microprocessor board that trips if wires are cut or shorted. The siren is a 25W Pyle Horn driven by a ELK 24W amp. It is deafening! The horn and alarm are mounted in a 1/4" aluminum plate lock box with a 24 hr battery back up and procted by a proximity sensor and capacitive touch sensor. There are also a multitude of wireless sensors that will trip even if radio jammed. Of course the alarm will call me via a cheap wireless phone I rigged of my own design.

I get the call, I check the camera remotely and call the cops with a description. This is on top of the "other stuff" I have rigged. :toothy7: