Foreign cars

WOW, I hear a lot of talk about economics and I doubt anyone serious knows exactly what makes a country's economy work. This down turn in our economy had nothing to do with where goods are made and who bought them. A nation's economy goes into recession every few years, it's just the nature of economics. This down turn was made more severe due to financial scams and greed by big time bankers and a bloated housing industry. The housing industry went not only because of poor mortgage loans but also because housing values were more than the houses were really worth. It will take time for our economy to rise but it won't be because people are buying or not buying foreign cars. Even if the unemployment rate is 30%, that means 70% of the population is working. Those 70% percent need to start buying goods which will put Americans back to work no matter if they are in manufacturing, sales, mechanics, shipping, banking, services, design, etc, etc, etc.
An economy is not as simple as some person buying a item manufactured in the US as there are may other facets to an economy. Even if an item is manufactured in another country, it is handled, shipped, unloaded, transported, sold and serviced by an American worker. And if you are talking about cars, you are only talking about new cars. You can buy any used car, manufactured anywhere and those profits stay completely in the US.