Anyone else lose interest?

Yup, I just went through a 2 year Phase where the Dart Sport was up for sale(no takers luckily for me unluckily for the buyer because I had it almost $2-3K under priced) I just didnt care..a trip to Carlisle with some family members into cars and Mopars cured me..Glad I didnt sell it now. cant wait to get driving been so OUT of it in 3 years id put 100 miles or LESS over a 3 year span on it. But Now IM BACK...I think a pilgrimage to a major show with people of like mind cures a lot :) . I WONT miss Carlisle next year like I did the past4 years.

I also like shooting and firearms and I was into the shooting sports..I was spending more time at the range and buying new shotguns,rifles or pistols which left no $$ for Mopars or my car so it sat...ive pretty much rounded uot what I "need" as far as that goes now . Now I feel I can concentrate more on the car thing again.

This time im doing it like I WANT TO not like some club or someone else wants me to. I got burnt out going to car shows and entering them and then sitting there from 9am-4pm..thats just not me..I LOVE to go look at a show go to it walk around once or twice talk to some of the guys ask some questions get some ideas then LEAVE that takes around 1.5-2 hours at a normal(non Carlisile or Nats type) event smaller to medium show. VS 6-7+ hours...When I was in a car club and before this most recent break I felt "obligated" or almost "forced" to do these stay all day type shows and it SUCKED! Now I will jump in the Dart drive it to the show or cruise in for a hour to hour and a half then leave...

Im a tad bit bummed out right now..ive not even started the Dart since last November battery is dead lol..gotta wait till tomorrow to get it charged or a new one. Guess thats what happens when they sit too much though so 100% MY fault :( .