Misc Parts Sale

But the news keeps saying that the recession is over...

Most of the problem is that the companies shipped all of the jobs to Mexico and China, so now there are no jobs to go back to and pull us out of the recession...

And the companies are making profits now, but are not hiring here..

And people that are driving FOREIGN CARS are complaining that they can't find a job.. But if they would have bought an AMERICAN CAR the UAW workers would have jobs & money to spend and buy AMERICAN PRODUCTS to help get the economy going. I find it hard to sympathize with hypocrites that complain that they don't have a job, but are driving foreign cars... They should go find a job in Japan or Germany or wherever their car is from.

I 100% Agree! I am just trying to sell some of my Mopar stuff so that I can continue to work on completing my garage build. Hope some of the people on here will be interested...