Lining a tank

I just finished the second honda gl1000 goldwing tank reline(first one done on another bike 4 years ago, still going good). I cleaned it with the muratic acid and then hit it with acetone to super clean and dry it before usong the red kote liner. I knew the tanks leaked at the seam on the bottom and it sealed both tanks up solid, it will NOT seal a 1/16- 1/8 inch hole but anything smaller it will seal. red kote liner has worked quite well for me, even when I had to ahem "dimple" the tank because I forgot that I had welded in a torsion brace in the tank area, the one type of sealer called Kreem was used on a friends bike and it did crack and peel at the slightest scratch so I can't recomend that type.

I have scratched red kote ("dimple"=beat the heck outta the tank with a hammer to dimple it on the bottom side to clear the brace) and didn't seee any release from the tank metal when I used an inspection camera down through the fuel guage area to look.
that being said if I was able to get a new tank cheap (old goldwing tanks cost BIG $$$$ even for good clean used ones) I'd do that in a heart beat. Both my darts are going to get new tanks they are cheap enough at about 160.00 even if I have to save up for the new ones.