Robershaw Thermostats

If anybody cares, I bought a Chrysler 180 degree for my 440 a few weeks ago from the dealer. About $12.00.

And--what happen? Heck your in 110 heat everyday--correct, why run a 180, just cause it might say 160 doesn't mean the engine stay at 160, not in 110 heat, the motor will run hotter, heck garages used to use 160 stats in the summer before emissions stad came around. Was common to change the stat for the summer--and run 30 weight motor oil, now today that is just too easy I guess.

I did try a 160 but no stat help keep it cooler, I think the increase flow must have did it, all I know is it works and I like driving my car more than if I could drive a newer vette--at least hot rodding around for picking up chicks, well please let me borrow that new vette, lol