I had a weird dream...

So its evening....... 90 something degrees and I'm constipated, tired and only had coffee and chips all day so I decide to take a nap...

Disregarding any of the wonky stuff of my dreams unrelated to cars -- so there's 2 cars in my driveway, nevermind that my house doesnt even resemble my house anymore.

The roof sort of machinically drops down in and pops back up.... ive the foggiest why, kinda like a convert... only..... to machinically drop the roof like a drop top, at first it looks like a plymouth arrow..... then a bmw .... and a duster.... WALA THIS IS WHAT I WANT.... although that was one wonky duster, the body had extreme slight alterations that made it look like a funny car of sorts made for the street, and had a pretty neat two-tone paint with slight pin stripes setting them apart.... now im starting to wake up and nooooooo!!!! emergency rush to the toilet. Still not feeling well but i got an interesting vision from the mopar gods telling me to go forth and build a great car made out of badass parts!

It uh.. looked like this only... it looked better in my dream?

all this from having to take a crap? or did i not read it wrong?