Tube Chassis Hemi Dart Project

you have my outright permission to cold-**** the first idiot that remarks....I had one just like it in high al..blah-blah-blah....I was NOTHING like this MONSTER!!

Really lookin' MEAN


Thanks Denny. And you are right...any car I have ever had has always attracted some character that walks up at a show or at the strip and tries to tell me he had one just like it except maybe a little different here or there, etc.

That kinda stuff tells me right away what I'm dealin with.They look at my junk and tell me how thier dad or brother bought one lust like it{minus the blower}.So,,,,I tell them my car was a factory experi-mental since mine is a '63 originally /6 with 3 on the treeand the hemi was mid year for '64:toothy7: