Foreign cars

..anyone remember the chevette, fire-enza, the recycled metal fords that rusted immediately...

My RAM has had more repairs than our subarue with 3X miles on it and two years newer..and my truck does mostly highway. Stoopid stuff. And it leaked water from the factory.

I think the big three invented planned obsolescence dad always felt the pressure to trade to newer when the models changed... and past due date..ever try to sell a Big Three with over 100K Kms (60K miles)...dealers, in a trade, wholesale off immediately because they do not want them on the lot. We got 3kon a subaru with 375Kms and that was after we settled on a cash price.

I always said that the big three could build a car equal or better than the imports but didn't have to because people would buy them anyway...and now is the result..I also har that is quite a surcharge on each car to pay for the employee's med plans..

I live in a middle class subsivision about an hour out of the city. 42 houses. There were over 80 kids awhile back but they are growing up. Parents are involved with their kids sports and the games take all over the thre maritime provinces and into the new england states so it is fair to say we are on the road a lot. We are high millage drivers. I counted cars last night when waling the beagles . All houses have at least 2 cars..The vast majority have 3, and a couple have 6/7 and one has 10 I think..the number keeps changing.

I have a Ram and my toys..Mustand and duster

My neighbour has a brother that sells chevies so he has a truck and a sport utility..he also has a bmw and 2 mazdas.

Another neighbour has a 50's Merc, '64 Olds, and a 70 GTX However, he has an acrua sports ute, and audi and a mazda to normal running around.

So three daily driven "big three" trucks in a large middle class subdivision.

People wtch what other folks drive and ask about maintenance.. and nother can be angryier than someone paying big bucks - american cars are not cheap..39.9K base for a ford flex a year ago ...that is a the lemon aid book..

And I agree Audis/BMWs/MBs are appearing everywhere even with this economy..