Signal light problem

Coyote Jack said
Thanks Paul,

This is going to be fun, NOT. I can hook one wire to another, but what you are talking about is going to be a challange.


It really isn’t that bad, get an inexpensive meter from radio shack and play around with it a little. Use the Ohms scale to measure a few wires to ground (Battery disconnected). Then put it on DC Volts scale and look at Battery Voltage (Battery reconnected). Once you feel comfortable, look get your service manual out and draw the turn signal circuit out on a piece of paper and label the wires with function and color code. My best guess is that the turn signal switch is broken and shorting contacts out in a strange way. But you don’t want to take everything apart unless you can prove it. I will monitor this string regularly to see how things are progressing or PM me with specific questions.

Again Good Luck