
Do not diss the the probly. I talk like that all the time. I know it's probably, I've tried to say it probably, but while it may be easy to say, it just comes off as a bit of a mouthful to say unless you are a slower talker which I am not. I try to keep my spelling and grammar in check just because it's much easier to read, and you don't get **** for having a horrible looking post. *ahem* Dart doctor *ahem* (Not trying to get on your case, but I think many of us would appreciate it if your posts were a little more legible than what they usually are.)

I actually started getting the whole typing thing down while playing video games. In game chat either has to be fast, or accurate, or after a lot of practice both. After playing it for a while my wpms were up, and I had great grammar, mostly. It would be nice if people actually cared about the way they come off on the internet, but as one guy said: it's the internet i don't care what other people think of me because they'll never meet me. There's not much you can do about those types of people. And like some have said, you have people that just don't care. Take my brother for instance, he's quite smart and articulate, but he swears all the time and has absolutely atrocious grammar when on facebook. I'm not a grammar nazi by any means, but seriously every time I see something that he has written I want go up to him and say FIX IT NOW! He knows and he doesn't care, and it's annoying as h*ll because there's nothing I can do to fix it except call him out and when I do that he basically says F**k off I do what I want.

also: irregardless is not a word.
Hmm ok im outta here