I dont know about you guys, but my duster is always confused with being a nova. Do novas ever get confused with being a duster or is that a one way street?
IDK if it is a 1 way street since I left the GM stuff behind many years ago. But like mentioned above, the similar body lines can do that. Confuse people. The Duster was Chrysler corp.'s direct answer and challenger to the Nova. So wqith that in mind and non car people looking at your car, try not to be insulted to much by there uneducated mind on your fav topic.
When they argue with me, (wait, argue with the car owner, bad move,)
I just out smart them like this;
Idiot; Nice Camaro!
Me; Sorry, it is a Cuda
Idiot, No it aint, it's a camro, my Dad had one just like it!
Me; Hey, what/where did you go to school? You look like someone I know or there sibling etc.... (What ever works here)
Idiot, Oh! I went to XXXXX school.
Me, Thanks, At least I now know NOT where to send my kids to school. After all, your not to smart, you cant read! It says right here on the car what it is and you want to argue with the cars owner/builder on what it is.
LOL Talk about showing your ***/showing off your intell. Nice job dude. Thanks for your scholastic help and etc...
(Let the roast begin!!!!!)
I have never had a better time with the arogant and there holier than thou smart *** when I hit'em up like this, publicly and loud enuff for all to here. They justy walk away.
An honest mistake is one thing, acting an ***/arogant/smart *** is different.