Thanks for the info cudamark.

I knew the 8.25 was a ho-hum unit with that outboard wheel bearing arrangement - one reason I did not even consider it.

As for going to an 8.75 - with that much work I am better off with the 9 inch Ford. I can re-spline a couple of axles in an afternoon, and cleaning off the spring perches is just as much work on either unit. I have a lot of 9 inch stuff laying about.

Actually, as I type this I think I may still have a housing that was prepped for a Ranger - might be very little work to get that under the Barracuda.

The car is not a numbers matching prize anyway. Previous owner swapped in a '75 truck block 318 & a 727. He hacked the floor selector off, and welded down a B&M shifter. At some point the driver side fender was replaced, and in the process it became a Valiant from the bumper up. The hard to find & expensive barracuda grilles / lights / etc. are long gone. Lots of little things done poorly, but the car is rust free & solid.
