Birth of the Blue Missile

OK Guys,
Ill try again.
This car is being built for the Silver State Classic. As part of their rules for the speed I want to go A cage is required.
Their cage rules are not quite as stringent as NHRA but they are well defined.
Because of my wife's insistence there is a pair of back seats I have to design around, hence the removable mid-bar. Which by the way is not done yet, part of the rules require triangulation of the mid bar and main hoop.
When the car is in "Street" mode it will have something Detroit should have done a long time ago, a retractable four point harness for the front seats. I was going to build a free standing attachment point between the seats but it would have been to cumbersome.
The center console was designed with that vertical in mind, just bear with me here. I also have to mount the Halon tank within that console as well.
The drawing of the seat belt desigh might help.