273 Waterpump/Radiator Swap....Help

Thanks guys. Well, went to upullandpay today. Got a set of pullies and alternator brackets from a 318 out of a 78 Dodge pickup. The crank pulley had already been modified by the p/o so it bolts onto my 273. I just had to re-form the lower bracket and place 1/8" shims behind them both where they mount to the waterpump and everything lines up spot on. The power steering however; i'm going to make a bracket at work that will prob run from the first intake bolt down to the bottom outer bolt on the water pump. Already have an idea on how to make it work. The only real problem is not being able to utilize the timing tab, as the w/p inlet now sits in it's place....no biggie though, don't plan on doing any mods to that motor anytime soon....have a 318 that will go in soon enough.
Again, thanks for the heads up.