Foreign cars

So I bought some "new" a-pillar plastic for my 72 Barracuda at the Chryslers at Carlisle swap meet. And this conversation was fresh in my mind when I installed them on my car....

Legitimate Chrysler plastic, complete with the pentastar stamp on it....and old and used, from 1970-74 e bodies. But in better shape than the ones on my car.

I looked at the back and saw "made in canada".

Hmmmmm. "maybe these are repops from a long while back?" I thought.

When I pulled the originals off my car i found they had the same "made in canada" stamp on them.

Its unlikely that the ones on my car are anything but the originals.

So even back in 1972, "All American, USA bult cars" were NOT "all american". There were "foreign" parts on it.

And the parts from 70 and 71 are exactly the same I am told.

Just thought this was interesting.

So, if Ma mopar was using foreign companies to make parts from them back in 1970, almost 40 years ago, we can hardly argue that this is anything new. Some do not think Canada is the same as mexico, china, etc. But at the end of the day, those parts are being made by companies in another country.

I would bet that many of the folks here claiming to "only buy and drive american" are thinking their older Mopars help them live up to that.

But, apparantly not, at least not from 1970 up.

How far back does one have to go to find a legitimate , 100% USA made car along with all its parts? 69? 65? 60? How about 1955?

I say it doesn't matter much.

The car was still put together by an american based, american owned 9at least then) company. So that goes for the new cars as well.

My half-mexican/half-canadian/half chinese (yeah, thats 3 sourced part Durango is as American as my 72 Barracuda in my mind.