You could consider moving the Alternator down. Some people have them mounted down low, but I'm not sure exactly how they do it. That bracket for the driver side looks good!
Shoot Dave, if there was any room I would definitely do it. On the Mock Up, I tried it all kinds of ways. I also have clearance issues with the Fan Belt. I was starring at the Passenger side yesterday and I MAY be able to incorporate a bolt hole somehow in the Turbo Bracket off the head and move it down "Possibly", we will see. The way it is now, I need to use a smaller Water Pump Pulley. I did it on the mock up and I have just under 1" Clearance to the Intake Tract on that side. By using the Factory Crank Pulley it should slow the water pump down some and possible cool it off better by leaving the water in the Radiator a bit longer. I really want to run that mechanical water pump because this is mostly a street car. If need be for clearance issues I can switch it out to an Electric one but don't really want to do that.