Lost a friend today...
I don't think its "in the genes"
My whole family partakes in some "unmentionable" smoke from time to time.
me however.....its not for me.
I wasnt comparing weed to coke or anything like that.
but as alot of people say....weed is a gateway drug......more specifically I would say that certain folks in the crowd of weed smokers are the gateway to other drugs....not the weed itself.....peer pressure gets ahold of alot of people.
my friend was no kid......he should have known what he was doing was chaulked full of risks but.......to little to late I suppose .
I wouldnt say people who smoke weed are "dopers" or drug addicts or anything like that....I know alot of people who perform much better in their day to day after a couple puffs....and I think that it would probably aid in turning the economy around some if it were to be made legal.