Heat Cross-over
You can block some of it off or just one side.
Up here in michigan I found its good to have a heated intake. Even today in 90 degree temps my water temp holds 170--175 in steady moving traffic or faster. Its not needed in 90 degree temps but 60 oh yeah, one good wot blast the intake gets cold in 60 degree temps and found it loses power.
I'm sure I'm losing some power now with a heated intake but next month at night it be 60 or colder. I do use carb spacers to help keep the carbs cool. I use intake gaskets with a steel shim inside and just drill a small 1/4 hole on each side to let the exhaust in. I heard good things about just opening one side but its too cold here in Michigan, tried it, intake gets too cold in under 40 degree temps, i drive until lots of snow comes. If its dry and 30 degrees, I'm out there, life is short. Store car just 12 weeks each winter.