A/C questions on '66 Valiant 100

Thanks all for the input, I appreciate it a heap. The drier was (supposedly) rebuilt by Apak, I sure hope I didn't spend $185 for nothing! I did get a new compressor, but when I put the new one in, the clutch just wasn't grabbing and it was squealing like all heck. I'm just having one hell of a time finding a clutch (single groove). Getting a new one seems to be out of the question and I guess I can't get it rebuilt either I'm told. Old Air can rebuilt the friction plate but not the mag coil. Anyone know of a place that does the whole rebuild or will I be going the used clutch route on this one?
I glad to hear that I should be all good keeping with the RV2 setup, some folks have told me I'm going to have no HP and switching it over to the 134 would probably cause it to be kaput in no time. trial and error i guess is how i'm going to learn all of this:-)