Gas consumption

3404speed said
WE as a country really do need to reduce consumption of all power, and I'm not trying to be political here.

Just common sense.

Change over to compact florescent light bulbs. Insulate your house if you own one. Live with a bit cooler temps in the winter and a bit warmer in the summer.
Drive less(so I can afford premium fuel for my Dart).

The list can go on, but there are forums out there for all this.

One thing I have tested in my gas is adding 2.5-3 ounces of Acetone to each 10 gallons of gas, and it improved my mileage on a 95 Chrysler 3.0 v6 Lebaron vert from 23.5 to 25.5 mpg.

Ok, let's see what this stirs up!

Yeah you are right.

But the problem is that WE Americans are far to dependent on oil and gas. We have to have the big SUVs and trucks or we are not comfortable. Most of us that is. The majority of my friends and neighbors have a SUVs or a truck with V8 as the power plant. I was noticing how many SUVs and trucks went by the other day when I was at work and was near a busy intersection. I have a Dodge Ram with a 360 and a 67 Barracuda with a 273 but I will not stop driving them because of gas. I have to feel the power and show off my big truck and my nice cuda. LOL! There might come a time that the SUV rage will die down and folks will start going to mini-vans, luxury sport cars, and four bangers of any kind and the impending gas prices might drop. But it is most likely as everything else the prices seem to keep going up and up.