CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

I'm confused John why didn't you buy the car?

Just trying to be nice and a little humorous about the situation.
The current owner is a really nice guy and I liked him right away.
He is a member here and I'm not flaming his ride.
I'm on the positive side of life right now looking at 50 soon so I didn't have enough time right now or energy to get into more metal fab right now. I still got Ashe our 73 Duster to start and a KING Midget to do this winter.

If ya go to buy, look it over and under.
Has alot potential. If someone is younger, has the passion, and is attending a body shop class in high school it would be the absolute perfect car for them.
If I was to gamble my cash at this time, I would have to flip something else to pay my bills comming up soon. I don't have anything else to sell at the moment. Junk cars drying up. The calls I do get, they want me to come and get for the same price the yard is paying me.
Repo auction next week. That's where my business is heading. I can use that same cash from this to go there, spend couple days in junk yard, couple in my driveway, then have cash from that for bills at the 1st of the month.

The owner also stated he could get a set of torsion bars from Yard Dawg for $40.00 and drive the wheels off of it.
I said why not? So I'm calling him with the price for the bars right now.
He's probibly reading this right now. If he is, he's got the price now and has my phone number.

Hey Mike,
If ya want the bars call me! Anything else Hallah!

He Really was a nice guy and alright with me so far.
He's also got a 318 on the ground behind it that is available too!
It's worth a look if your situation is different than mine. When I roll the dice right now, I'm all in at 15!:toothy7:

We just talked again! He's meeting me tomorrow at the car show in Hamilton!, OH and picking up his torsion bars from me!