When do you need subframe connectors

If I may hi jack:toothy7: I have always thought of this mod as well.So who would like to give some how toossss to do this,like should the car be on very level ground and on jack stands ? pics would be an asset as well.thanks.

Yes, you want the car level and supported as if the weight is on the wheels. Level is very important; actually use a level to make sure. I put mine on the top of the rocker with the door open and kept adjusting. Then move to your side to side leveling, this is a little harder as it's tough to find a spot to put the level. Double and triple check everything before you start welding. The last thing you want is your doors not closing properly after you are done.

I used 1 1/2 X 3 X 3/16 tubing. Measure from the front cross member to about 8” back on the rear frame rail. Cut to length. Measure from the front cross member to where the top of the rear frame rail starts (the beveled area). Measure the top of the tube with the second measurement and mark it. Cut the top of the tube out(I cut along the sides to remove the web too) now test fit. Once you are satisfied with the fit, clean everything up on the car.
Weld a piece of flat bar on the front of the tube where it connects to the cross member leaving about an inch on each side. Test fit again, it may be necessary to remove the thickness of the flat bar from the top of the notch on the rear so the bar will go up tight. Weld it up. You might even consider spraying some weldable primer on these spots beforehand.
I tacked the front good and solid then went to the back and using a bottle jack under the tube pressed it up tight to the frame, and tacked. Once I was happy with the placement I welded it up solid.
Clean the welds and prime as soon as they are cooled.
This may not be the preferred method, but it serves the purpose and total cost was 30 bucks.
The car rides and handles MUCH better. When I jack up the car from under the rear frame rail now it will lift the whole side of the car.

Hope this helps!