14" barracuda wheels/ wheelcovers.
Thanks _ I know about them.
:thumbdow:Odd - They are the same people that put $100. each prices on almost anything.
Even $10. 1962 Falcon hubcap...anything.
I have called them before more than once...They don't seem to have anything I call about but they leave their pictures on all the time. Good for reference, though!
:?*Anyway - The guy (dartman) who had a set advertised on here months ago when I started looking, AND a set of covers/lugs on ebay in horrible shape...are the only "sets" I have seen.
*Don't want to fix a lot on the edges if can be avoided...but will bug the member here to see if he still has his as a backup. Doubt it!
Anyone have any? OR the wheels? THANKS. Will ship.