Slightly strange head flow question.

CFM = CID X RPM X VE / 3456

VE = 3456 X CFM / CID X RPM

CID = NOS X SV - What is this one supposed to be? Because SV is the same as the CID formula below. Displacement is Swept Volume x Number Of Cylinders.

CID = NOC X 0.7854 X Bore (squared) X Stroke (To calc displacemet on strokers etc.)

HGV = HGCV X 0.7854 X Bore (squared)

PDV = (0.7854 X Bore [squared] X DPD) + (VPD - VPB)

CR = 1 + 0.7854 X Bore (squared) X Stroke / CCV + HGV + PDV

Injector Sizing Calc if needed:

ISH = HP / 16

Key below:


VE = volumetric efficiency
CFM = engine air flow rate - cubic feet per minute
CID = engine displacement, size or volume - cubic inches
RPM = engine speed - revolutions per minute
NOC = number of cylinders
BORE = length
STROKE = length
HGV = head gasket volume
HGCT = head gasket compressed thickness
PDV = piston deck volume
DPD = deck to piston distance
VPD = volume of piston depressions
VPB = volume of piston bumps
SV = swept volume
CR = compression ratio
CCV = combustion chamber volume
ISH = injector size per horsepower
HP = horsepower