2011 Young Guns Contest??

I think its very good for this site(Young Gun Contest!) and it helps bridge the age gap as it helps the young gun, working as a bonding element for the entire site.
I am up for donating to help.!
We need this program to continue in order to encourage the youngsters as this hobby is not cheap and I am sure most potential young guns dont get a lot of support from there familys etc because the gas alone is hard to keep up with and then you have mom or dad saying "you can buy a Toyota and get waaay better gas mileage, (so they need all the support they can get)
I like busy mopar events and the only way that can continue is to encourage newbees to take on the hobby.
I am in for a donation to help young guns.
As for old pistols.. for me I think its a good idea to help all who cant quite do it themselves without a lil help.
Age has its limits on both ends of the spectrum, ...the young gun needs resources and the old pistol can use the hands on help.
Maybe a trade program between the two.
The old pistol gets help with the physical part and the young gun gets some resources for helping the ol pistol with labor at the same time maybe learns something too.
We have several disabled people here young and older who are not whiners or takers and they just SLOWLY work on there projects but could use help.
I am in for helping both!
This would help the ol pistols so they may not have to get rid of there project because of a health issue and they just cant do the heavy work.
We are a GREAT group and I think something like this could help bond us as more of a family.
my .02 cents
Is there a list of members for each geological area.? and could this be done
like a list of all members from North Carolina so they could see who is close to them and who is doing what>? this way one could see what there locals are doing with there projects and make it easier to help one another.
Like a map with a pin marking each members location.. otherwise I have to sort thru all our members to find my locals..and we have lots of members here.
Young guns is a great idea!!! and it is as good for the club as it is for the young gun ! So I am into helping all members here.. young or old:occasion:
One contest at a time of course.
I have parts I would trade for labor because to me it would be better than letting my project sit until after my surgery and recovery.
One for all and all for Mopar!
God bless
Bruce B