Vintage shots from days gone by!

September 20, 1944

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Found some really cool ones with a quick history search. A lot of these places are still there and recognizable.

Broad Street (Greenfield's Main Street) ...

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1920s Hearse ...

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Greenfield Train Depot ...

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Milk maids from 1927 ...View attachment MilkMaids1927.jpg

Local auction barn, 1911 ...

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Our Shell Station (we still have one, not sure if this is it) ...

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One of a few pics of a Greenfield parade -- no idea what year ...

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And I'd guess one of my few local customers' dads (?) maybe grandpa? ... anyway, he's got a '66 Catalina convertible so easy to see how he got into cars. :-D This pic is from 1953.

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