The Darwin Project

Just Suspension is giving me the run around. They are in denial that they sold me a defective lower ball joint. I am hearing every excuse from them, first it was "get a second opinion". I guess they don't respect the judgement of a mechanic with 30+ yrs experience (my brother who ordered the parts for me) who happens to have spent hundreds of dollars with them over the years. So I have a second opinion from the alignment shop, and I guess thats not good enough either. My brother called them today and now they're telling him things like "this has never happened before" and "this is very rare". Now they want him to remove the part and send it to them, at my expense, so they can determine if it is really defective, they even gave him an RA#. I say BS on this one. Just Suspension is in the business of selling parts to guys like you and I, and other professionals in the auto restoration business. They don't manufacture parts, they buy from the J.A.Pan Co. repackage it and sell it to the unsuspecting customer. And they're telling me they NEVER sold a faulty part? How tough would it be for them to send me a new ball joint, then I could return the one I have and we could work out the details later, all in the interest of customer service.
I went and ordered a new one from the local parts house today, I'll have it in the morning and I can move on. I will send their junk one back and follow up to see how long they keep me JUST SUSPENDED! Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent.