2011 Young Guns Contest??

YOUNG GUNS-SIGN IN 2011 Have been in contact with Cuda Chick 1968 and Joeychgo about doing doing a second version of Leanna's great idea.Have decided to jump in and do it.Will be looking for some assistance and guidance along the way as this is a first for me. So far this is what I have come up with."Contest " would begin on Oct.01 and end on Nov. 30 Drawings for all gifts would take place Dec.01 so winners can receive their gifts in time for Christmas.Gifts so far consist of 5 2011 Fabo t-shirts(on order),3 Gold Memberships,(2 )$50.00 gifts and (1) $100.00 gift.These are what my wife and I will be donating.Anyone who wants to donate either gifts or their suggestions please p.m. me.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx.