Single Turbo Blow through Small Block Kits???

Not that I'm anti turbo, but.........

How much power does it take away from the engine to spin that turbo?

IF the turbo has to pressurize the engine, the impeller has to have some force put on it in order to spin it to make pressure. Once the engine is under prssure, there has to be more force required to spin the turbo in order to maintain pressure.

This is back pressure on the engines exhaust side. This has to cost power in some way shape or form.
blowers suck up power because the engine has to physically move the gear to greate boost, turbos make free power using what the engine wastes, exhaust. turbos are nothing but + numbers, theres definatly no loss. either way anything forced induction is going to but way up im power, unless theres something seriously wrong.