A/C question...

I never thought about tha differnce in tha size ov tha motors, juss glance'in at tha holes, they are close, I juss figgered they were tha same...I have to finish remove'in tha a/c from tha 71(under dash)...I am going to try to make everthang under dash on tha 71 fit tha 66 dash!!!...I'm not into the Numberz thang, I am a mopar freek, but I want it to suit my needz, and still be 100% MOPAR!!...I have been told I wuz crazy for put'in a Caravan steer'in colum in it(tilt wheel)...I want tha key on tha column, not tha dash...Thankz for your input, it may have saved me quite a bit ov trouble...REX :scratch: