Top Gear US

What appeals to me about the UK (original) version is that the three hosts come from different professional backgrounds that are not related to professional racing. Their individual personalities work well because they match some of the various people that we encounter on a daily basis. They argue like guys do at a pub or bar in a manner that many of us can relate to because we have argued like that in some fashion over some particular topic. Their resident pro driver, The Stig, is used as the highest standard that the hosts or guests can compare themselves to in any vehicle. It's hilarious when they come to the USofA and roll out a fat American "Stig" for a NASCAR track or when they went to Africa and rolled out a very skinny African "Stig" in a helmet and a loin cloth.

The US version employs pro drivers that I do not relate to because I don't drive professionally. They remind me of some of the irritating gearheads that I used to encounter when I hung around the street racing crowd i.e. not fun to be around. I would tune in if the American version replaced the hosts with some non-pro drivers and recreated The Cannonball run in a clandestine manner.