would this pass chassis certification?

Remove it, close it? HELL NO!
To ignore this topic, esecially in on a car enthusiasts website is like ignoring cancer on a smoking website! You can do it, but the problem still exists & it's (possible) "cures" ignored.
I can't really add anything to all the excellent anti street-racing posts here, except to add that those that do it (and I was one looonnnng ago) is to possibly leave a child parent-less, & even have one face the possibility of murder or manslaughter charges should something go horribly wrong. Is that worth even the 10-20k the REAL serious street guys run for? Most would hardly think so & if they are running for that kinda "green" thay can, and often do, take it to the track anyway.
The wannabe "streetrats" that claim to be "serious" streetracers are only showing themselves to be ignorant of the facts, lazy in their endeavors, and dangerously irresponsible to themselves, others & the hobby which already has enough anti-car people to make our enjoying it hard enough without them putting the stigma of 50s-style idiot gearheads in the mix.
Put the rollbar/cage in if you want (Hell, I'm all for it,as I have one in
my car) but don't even TRY to convince or encourage others to join
in or support your dangerous, criminal behavior under the guise of
wanting to "pass tech" as it's obvious by now you have no intention
racing legitimately
whats all that got to do with if his roll bar will work?