what does everyone use for wax?

I've tried every paste wax and liquid wax under the sun and never got better results than my latest attempt with this:

I got an orbital buffer cheapo from advance.

Used #7 meguires liquid polish with the buffer. let dry, wiped off.

Used Meguire's #27 yellow wax with the buffer as suggested on the bottle of the #7, Let dry, wiped off.

The results are better than I have ever been able to get with any paste wax including Meguires ultra gold and the NXT stuff.

I guess there is nothing better than a 2 step cut and polish with a buffer.

I don't notice any of the light scratches that always remained even after clay barring and applying paste wax and the color tone is very deep and rich.
I am definitely sold on the buffer thing.

There was another bottle at the store which was Meguire's #36 or something called "final inspection" which I'm sure would be even better but it only came in a gallon jug and was like $38.00.

Here's a couple pics of my results.

Which buffing pad did you use.
Flat foam, waffle pad, wool?