65 barracuda Commando 273 /Formula S?

The big difference now is when you pull in a cruise in lot all the mopar guys will be parked together unlike the other guys who never seem to get it about hanging out together...Marley Station Mall in Baltimore area is a great example Saturday night could be up to 400 cars all the mopars always in the same area every week the rest scateered about no order at all. Sponsered by Maryland 50's car club Mopar guys many belong to Maryland mopar club always hang together wherever they may show up......just something for you as a cheby guy to get used to..its a good thing!
ya i know what you mean its pretty much like that here in vegas. all of my buddy own chevy im the fist to step out of the box ha. but i know they can have way more power, one thing i do like about it being able to buy alot of aftermarket parts easier. top end kits etc. i havnt really found any through summit. but ive always wanted a barracuda 70 though never thought id want this one but it grew on me once i saw it and now like it better then the 70 my opinion though.