stupid camero guys

Well I bought a new Challanger this summer,I really enjoy driving this car,the air. the ride and yes the gas mileage I can even drive it when it gets 95 degrees will no problem maybe it's because I'm close to 50 now, I live close to a town of about 150K population.have only seen 5 challangers and more mustangs and camaros than I care to count. I guess my point is that when I 16 teen there was no way I could afford this car and just like when i was 16 there was more of those brands than Dusters.darts and chargers, some things never change but thats what makes us different, I still and will for ever enjoy driving my 71 Duster with a 408. and maybe if we will still have gas in 40 yrs. if things go the way I want them too maybe the grandson will have a challanger/ Duster to drive JMO