over priced junk

I feel I need to throw my 2 centavos's into this, both my experience and lessons learned:

1. I was ALWAYS taught, that a good deal is when two parties , one selling and one buying come together and mutually agree on a price where BOTH are satisfied. IT does not matter WHAT that price is, it matters that both are satisfied and you will notice that does not include ANYONE else!

2. WHEN YOU are selling something it is GOLD and Others say it is JUNK,and you are a cheap bastard if you make any comments to the contrary

3. When OTHERS are selling something IT IS NOW GOLD and you are a cheap bastard if you make any comments to the contrary.

4. LESSON of 2 & 3 if you like the part, negotiate if you reach an agreement it is a good deal, if not say THANKS and move on! NO ONE is either CHEAP OR a BASTARD JUST BECAUSE THEY DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU!

5. IT is the SELLERS JOB to ask as much as he feels his goods are worth, it is the BUYERS JOB to negotiate with the seller, what he is willing to PAY! IF negotiations fail, there are other sellers and other buyers, REMEMBER it is the sellers right to ask what he wants and it is the buyers right to agree or refuse to pay. Simple as that.

6. ONE MANS TRASH is ANOTHER MANS TREASURE : meaning SOMEONE thinks what they bought is well worth what they paid, WHO are you to comment to the contrary? You're not even INVOLVED in the transaction!!

7. FREE ENTERPRISE is and always has been driven by supply & demand, NOT BY OPINION!

8. WANT & NEED go hand in hand with supply & demand, Chrysler has pretty much always been the NUMBER 3 automaker in the US. HENCE ANY Chrysler made part or car is far rare-er than the other two combined and consequently COSTS MORE across the board!

9. FORD & CHEVY parts can be had for peanuts, Chrysler made parts are far more rare and cost 3x as much! EVERYONE WHO OWNS A CHRYSLER PRODUCT KNOWS THIS! DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU WOULD GET THEM FOR FREE? OR FOR LESS THAN THE COMPARABLE FOR OR CHEVY PART? if the answer is yes, then you will spend the rest of your project and the rest of your ownership of your Chrysler product, a disappointed person.

10. I have built a number of project cars (30+) I have therefore bought a truckload or two of parts. Whenever I think that I have spent too much and I grumble about the seller asking too much....I REMEMBER..... that I needed that part and NO ONE HELD ME DOWN AND FORCED ME TO BUY IT! I reached into my OWN pocket and paid for the part!! SO I HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT ME!

MORAL of my TOP TEN: I have been around here for about 6 years. I have seen lots of sellers & buyers. I have seen parts change hands without a penny being exchanged. I have seen things to the contrary. If I offer a part to my FABO family first, and get NOTHING but slams, I sell it elsewhere. Conversely, I have sold parts here that weren't even listed for pretty close to my asking price, which both parties agreed was "reasonable" and "fair."
POINT BEING: if ya like it buy it, if ya don't like it DON'T BUY IT and STFU about it! WHY SLAM another member just because he is selling for 10 and you ONLY have 5!! QUIT acting like a little kid and devote that energy to making another 5 so you can get what you need! OR put the 5 down and say you'll be back in a certain agreed time with the other 5!! NEGOTIATIONS MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND...........BITCHING JUST MAKES IT NOISY !!!